Investing principles
Start here and learn the investing principles and stock market basics you need on your investment journey.
Stock market basics
These are the frequently encountered terms in the Stock market and their definitions.
Key Financial Ratios
10 important financial ratios to understand in order to analyze stocks.
Capital gains Tax
Find out the capital gains tax rate for the returns on your stock investments.
Financial Independence
A framework that will make your money work for you. You will never have to trade your time for money after implementing this strategy.
Active vs Passive Investing
Understand the differences between DIY stock picking and Index investing.
Investment Philosophy
An Investment Philosophy will guide you through all the ups and downs of the stock price fluctuations.
Management Evaluation
Analyze the capital allocation skills of any stock by using these metrics.
When to sell a Stock?
The decision to sell a stock is much more difficult than buying. Read this to understand when you should sell a stock.
Sector ETFs
Sector based investing gives a piece of every sector of the Stock market in your portfolio.